The Loop Trolley Company

    Transports en commun
    Ouvert11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

    Emplacement & horaires


    5875 Delmar Blvd

    St Louis, MO 63112


    West End, The Loop


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    • Photo de Kristen S.
      Kristen S.
      Saint-Louis, États-Unis
      14 avr. 2019

      I took the Loop Trolley from the Missouri History Museum to The Delmar Loop and back. You can purchase tickets on a Phone App or at a Kiosk. If you are inside the Missouri History Museum, the pickup location for the Trolley is outside the doors near the Gift Shop. The Trolley offers bench seating and standing room options. The ride felt smooth for a Trolley. The Staff was amazing and helpful.

      I had friends visiting from out of town. We decided to Visit the Missouri History Museum and have lunch in the Delmar Loop. Taking the Loop Trolley was fun for a different experience. I would suggest this as a family outing or fun way to travel between The Loop and Forest Park.

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    • Photo de Joan G.
      Joan G.
      Saint-Louis, États-Unis
      25 juill. 2019

      And they wonder why they are not making the amount of money that they wanted. We decided that we would catch the trolley at the History Museum, ride it down to the loop and have lunch. We know the trolley only runs from Thursday to Sunday and doesn't start until noon. We were the first ones there and the ticket machine was out of order. Did it mean for tickets or the trolley? I called the phone number listed on the machine but it is just a recording. At this location, there are no benches and no place to sit. I was also amazed at the number of people who were waiting for it.

      We waited patiently until 12:20 when a gentleman called and found out it wasn't working today. Did a driver call in sick? Was the trolley out of order? You had days to repair it if it was.

      We were so disappointed that we have decided that we will never come nor will we recommend it to anyone. Instead of going to the loop for lunch, we went to Kruger's instead.

      Joe's trolley folly is just that. A dream turned into a nightmare. If you see me there, it means I'm just really going to the history museum.

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    • Photo de Teresa R.
      Teresa R.
      Saint-Louis, États-Unis
      11 nov. 2019

      Goodness I was torn between stars so I went ahead and rounded up because the conductor was the absolute nicest and friendliest ladies around! ANNND the Trolley itself is just so lovely!

      Ok so this is honestly just something to do. It is very touristy and that's not a a bad thing but if you are catching this Trolley and expecting it to be useful, then you will be disappointed! It just takes soooo long. I would say about a 40 minute ride from the Library to the History Museum. I made an afternoon out of it with kids. The kids were bored out of their minds by the time we finished our round trip.

      This does not function as an On and Off tour/ride. That's not to say that you can not get on and off because you can but since most days there is only one or two Trolleys it's not convenient. You couldn't jump on and off and shop the Loop and have a meal (that would take a LIFETIME of waiting for the next Trolleys arrival).

      Also there isn't a schedule, so you are just waiting at the stop for it to arrive. You will know you've waited long enough when you start to say "we will wait just 5 more minutes and then just walk!" As soon as you hit that mark add 15 more minutes and then you will see it arrive in the far distance (which will take another 10 minutes to actually arrive) then add another 10-15 minutes for boarding and questions from passerby's. It's soooooo incredibly long! But. If you have the time and patience, it's cute!

      Will I ride the Trolley again? sadly no.

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    • Photo de Margery D.
      Margery D.
      Saint-Louis, États-Unis
      22 mars 2019

      Today took my long awaited trip on the Loop trolley. Will admit I'm old enough to remember the trolley when it was part of the public transportation system & not just for touristy fun. My excursion was fun for all ages with comfortable trolley cars and a friendly conductor who encouraged adults to let the kids pull the cord & hear the trolley bell clang like the old days.
      The updates are to be expected with piped in radio music & electronic ticket readers. We hopped on across from the Pageant after a great lunch @ Seoul taco & dessert from Insomnia cookies. Perfect day for a walk! The round trip ride took an hour & $2 a ticket had bought us an extra hour if we wanted to explore.

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    • Alec R.
      Skinker DeBaliviere, St. Louis, États-Unis
      5 mai 2019

      Rude drivers. Twice I've bought a ticket and been unable to use it. The first time I bought my ticket was in the evening. When the trolley approached and I went to board, I was informed that I couldn't ride and this trolley would be going back to the garage because it was after operating hours. I told the driver that the sign at the stop was misleading because it said operating hours didn't end for another quarter of an hour. (Note: the sign does not state that the last trip only goes to the garage.) the driver got up and rudely pointed out the hours on the sign like I couldn't read them myself.

      I decided to give the trolley another shot today. As the trolley approached I was attempting to buy my ticket through the fare machine but there was an error that caused my purchase to be delayed. As I walked up to the trolley after purchasing my ticket the driver closed the doors and left!!

      I will NEVER give this trolley another chance after encountering such RUDE drivers. I'd like to see the trolley out of my community at this point.

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    • Richard H.
      Saint-Louis, États-Unis
      4 janv. 2020

      Dont mean to be a DebbieDowner but the Trolley is slow inefficient and basically goes nowhere. Its cute and quaint, and a waste of time. On a busy Saturday eve, people were walking faster. And the Loop is meant to be WALKABLE. So trolley, huh??? Rode the trolley early Dec 2019

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